JSONnet already has a good tutorial to start with.

Here's a FAQ for reaction:

How do I write defaults at one place and reuse them elsewhere?


You first define your defaults set:

local filter_default = {
  retry: 3,
  retryperiod: '3h',
  actions: banFor('24h'),

The you can use it in your filters:

  streams: {
    ssh: {
      filters: {
        failedlogin: filter_default + {
          regex: ['...'],

You can override those defaults:

  streams: {
    ssh: {
      filters: {
        failedlogin: filter_default + {
          regex: ['...'],
          retry: 1,

And the + is optional.

  streams: {
    ssh: {
      filters: {
        failedlogin: filter_default {
          regex: ['...'],

How do I add multiple actions defined by JSONnet functions on the same filter?


Let's take this example: we have two functions defining actions:

The first is made to ban the IP using linux's iptables firewall:

local banFor(time) = {
  ban: {
    cmd: ['ip46tables', '-w', '-A', 'reaction', '-s', '<ip>', '-j', 'DROP'],
  unban: {
    after: time,
    cmd: ['ip46tables', '-w', '-D', 'reaction', '-s', '<ip>', '-j', 'DROP'],

The second sends a mail:

local sendmail(text) = {
  mail: {
    cmd: ['sh', '-c', '/root/scripts/mailreaction.sh', text],

Both create a set of actions. We want to merge the two sets.

To merge two sets with JSONnet, it's as easy as set1 + set2.

Let's see what it ressembles with a real example.

local banFor(time) = {
  ban: {
    cmd: ['ip46tables', '-w', '-A', 'reaction', '-s', '<ip>', '-j', 'DROP'],
  unban: {
    after: time,
    cmd: ['ip46tables', '-w', '-D', 'reaction', '-s', '<ip>', '-j', 'DROP'],

local sendmail(text) = {
  mail: {
    cmd: ['sh', '-c', '/root/scripts/mailreaction.sh', text],

  streams: {
    ssh: {
      filters: {
        failedlogin: {
          regex: [
            // skipping
          retry: 3,
          retryperiod: '3h',
          actions: banFor('720h') + sendmail('banned <ip> from service ssh'),

This will generate this configuration:

  "streams": {
    "ssh": {
      "filters": {
        "failedlogin": {
          "regex": [ ],
          "retry": 3,
          "retryperiod": "3h",
          "actions": {
            "ban": {
              "cmd": [ "ip46tables", "-w", "-A", "reaction", "-s", "<ip>", "-j", "DROP" ]
            "unban": {
              "after": "720h",
              "cmd": [ "ip46tables", "-w", "-D", "reaction", "-s", "<ip>", "-j", "DROP" ]
            "mail": {
              "cmd": [ "sh", "-c", "/root/scripts/mailreaction.sh", "banned <ip> from service ssh" ]

How do I separate my configuration in multiple files?


Firstly, you don't need to do this 😉

But if you want to, you can use the import JSONnet keyword to import files, relative to the file calling them. (Remember, the JSONnet tutorial is a good place to understand its basics).

Here's an example of how you could do this:


  streams: {
    ssh: import 'ssh.jsonnet',


local lib = import 'lib.jsonnet';
  filters: {
    failedlogin: lib.filter_default + {
      regex: ['...'],
      retry: 3,
      retryperiod: '2h',
      actions: lib.banFor('720h'),

lib.jsonnet (definitions you can reuse in all other files)

local banFor(time) = {
  ban: {
    cmd: ['ip46tables', '-w', '-A', 'reaction', '-s', '<ip>', '-j', 'DROP'],
  unban: {
    after: time,
    cmd: ['ip46tables', '-w', '-D', 'reaction', '-s', '<ip>', '-j', 'DROP'],

local filter_default = {
  retry: 3,
  retryperiod: '3h',
  actions: banFor('24h'),

  banFor: banFor,
  filter_default: filter_default,