Reaction migration from v1 to v2

For now reaction v2 is released as 2.0.0-rc1, which means it's considered beta.

Feel free to try it, if you feel playful! Error reports are very welcome.


A working v1 configuration should work as well on reaction v2.

There are small syntax differences between the two regex engines:

However, most regexes should be unaffected.

Please report any configuration / regex problem you encounter while upgrading!


A script is provided in the 2.0.0-rc1 release.

It must be run with the same user as reaction, in the same directory where the reaction database is stored.

So it must most probably be run as root in /var/lib/reaction, ie. with default setup.

I think entries are discarded too soon in the database for now: it's something I have to fix.


The CLI is the same, but more flexible. Mixing positional arguments and flags is now supported.


Reaction now features man pages and shell completions for bash/fish/zsh! Documentation for their installation will come after.

However the Debian package has not already been rewritten. You may want to wait for the stable release.